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Mental Health in Agriculture: Essential Strategies for Building Resiliency

Feb 2, 2021

Brought to you by the Alberta Range Stewardship Course and the Southern Alberta Grazing School for Women Mental Health in Agriculture

Date And Time

Mon, February 8, 2021

6:30 PM – 8:00 PM MST


Click here for more Info and to Register

About this Event: Live via Zoom online video conferencing (a very user-friendly software)

Interactive and hands on – small group discussion, individual reflection and short lectures

Practical strategies along with a post session Q&A

Speaker: Jeff Couillard, Consultant and Coach

This session is geared towards ranching and farming folks but will have really good strategies for everyone.

Jeff tell us:

“Self Care” is HARD. There’s no two ways about it.

There’s no user-manual. No training program.

Google “self care”, and you’ll get 2 BILLION search results.

Everything from doing more yoga and drinking more green tea to take a vacation, pick up a hobby, phone a friend, write in your journal, go for a run… there’s a never ending list of well-intentioned advice waiting for you on the internet.

Which is why this workshop exists. After a dozen years working in addiction and mental health with young people and families, training thousands of educators and helping professionals, and wrestling with my own “self care” and “wellness” skills… I feel you, and I know the struggle.

Join me for an interactive evening session packed with the essential strategies you need to set healthy boundaries, build a support system and prioritize your 4 Domains of Wellness.

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