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Welcome to the Heartland Training & Support Hub, formerly known as the Farm Safety Centre. As we’ve evolved, our mission has broadened, reaching beyond farm safety to encompass rural health, well-being, and support for newcomers. Our journey, rooted deeply in farm safety, has expanded our vision. Today, we’re dedicated to nurturing rural communities through diverse educational programs and initiatives. Our commitment to safety is now enriched with a focus on fostering a thriving, inclusive rural Canada. Alongside our foundational commitment to safety, we now offer a diverse array of programs:

    • Safety Smarts: Continuing our core mission of promoting farm safety education.
    • Sustainable Farm Families: Focusing on the health and sustainability of farm families.
    • Rural Health Initiative: Addressing broader health concerns in rural communities.
    • New Roots (Under Development): Aiding newcomers in integrating into rural life.
    • Drug Awareness Program (Under Development): Tackling the challenges of substance abuse in rural areas.

These programs exemplify our dedication to a thriving, inclusive rural Canada, blending our legacy in safety with new, holistic approaches to community support and health. Join us in this exciting new chapter, as we expand our horizons while staying true to our core values.

History & Evolution

Our journey at the Heartland Training & Support Hub, once the Farm Safety Centre, is deeply rooted in our shared history with the rural communities we serve. It all started in 1989-1990, a time when farm safety was a growing concern. The Raymond & District Futures Society, operating as the Farm Safety Centre, emerged as a beacon of hope and guidance, focusing primarily on farm safety education. This charitable organization, dedicated to promoting safe agricultural practices, has been a major contributor to the welfare of farm families, who are the heart of Alberta’s agricultural industry.

In 1991, our organization was solidified under the Societies Act of Alberta, with incorporation number 505001545. By 1993, our commitment to social good was further recognized when we were granted charitable status by the Canada Revenue Agency (registration number 890566441RR0001). Since the 1990s, our farm safety extension programs have been a continuous presence in rural Alberta, evolving over time to meet the changing needs of our communities.

Our evolution has been a story of adaptation and growth, driven by our unwavering commitment to these communities. We’ve broadened our focus, addressing not just the physical safety of farmers but also the overall well-being and health of rural families. Recognizing the challenges faced by newcomers to rural areas, we’ve developed initiatives to facilitate their integration and success.

Today, as the Heartland Training & Support Hub, we stand as a testament to our dedication to the rural heartland of Canada. Our history is not just a timeline of events; it’s a narrative of our commitment to adapt, grow, and respond to the changing needs of the communities we cherish. The generosity of thousands has enabled the decades-long delivery of impactful programs. Detailed delivery information and contributor acknowledgments can be found in our “Programs” and “Supporters” sections, respectively.

Join us as we continue this journey, true to our core values and excited for the future we are shaping together. We are grateful for each dollar donated and every hand extended in support of our mission.”

Mission & Vision

  • Mission Statement: “To empower and support rural Canadians and newcomers, providing them with the tools, resources, education, and safety insights they need to thrive in their communities.”
  • Vision Statement: “A Canada where every rural individual, whether a long-time resident or a newcomer, has access to comprehensive support, education, safety resources, and opportunities to ensure their well-being and success.”

Strategic Goals & Initiatives

As we move forward with our rebranding to the Heartland Training & Support Hub, we are guided by strategic goals and initiatives that reflect our expanded mission. These include:

    • Expanded Educational Offerings: Developing and launching new programs to address rural health, well-being, and the integration of newcomers into rural communities.
    • Enhanced Community Outreach: Leveraging digital platforms and other means to deepen our engagement with rural communities, ensuring that our support reaches those who need it most.
    • Diversification of Funding Sources: Exploring and establishing new funding streams to support our broadened scope of work and to ensure sustainability.
    • Strengthening Partnerships: Collaborating with a diverse range of organizations and stakeholders who share our commitment to rural health, well-being, and safety.

These goals and initiatives are vital in steering our journey towards a more inclusive and supportive rural Canada. We are committed to not just achieving these objectives, but also to adapting and growing with the needs of the communities we serve.

Join Us

Join us in our mission at the Heartland Training & Support Hub to foster a thriving, inclusive rural Canada. Whether you’re a local resident, a newcomer, a farmer, or simply someone who shares our vision, your involvement can make a significant difference. Here are ways you can engage:

    • Volunteer: Lend your time and skills to support our programs and initiatives.
    • Donate: Every contribution helps us extend our reach and impact.
    • Participate in Programs: Enroll in our educational offerings and be part of the change.
    • Spread the Word: Help us raise awareness by sharing our mission and stories in your community.

Your engagement is not just support; it’s a partnership in building a safer, healthier, and more inclusive rural landscape. Visit our website to learn more about how you can get involved and make a difference.


Jordan Jensen

Jordan Jensen

Executive Director: Heartland Training & Support Hub

Born and raised on a family farm in Southern Alberta, my upbringing was rooted in the values and challenges of rural life. This formative experience instilled in me a deep appreciation for the intricacies of farming and rural life, shaping the person I am today.

Pursuing higher education, I attended the University of Lethbridge, where I dedicated myself to full-time studies and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in international business management and project management. This academic journey equipped me with a global perspective and a solid foundation in effective project execution.

In 2014, my professional path led me to the Farm Safety Centre, where I was tasked with a challenging yet rewarding project: adapting the Australian Sustainable Farm Families (SFF) program for Alberta. This initiative allowed me to blend my agricultural roots with my academic achievements, delivering tailored SFF workshops across Alberta to enhance the health and safety of farmers and rural communities.

Elevated to the role of Executive Director in 2021, I now have the privilege of leading the organization—recently rebranded as the Heartland Training & Support Hub—through an era of growth and transformation. My commitment to rural health, well-being, and safety is more passionate than ever. Under my leadership, we are expanding our scope to include not only farm safety but also comprehensive programs addressing rural health, the integration of newcomers, and the overall enrichment of rural communities.

As we navigate this exciting chapter, I am dedicated to fostering a safer, healthier, and more inclusive rural Alberta. I invite you to join us in this journey, contributing to a legacy of positive change across our province.

For more information about the Heartland Training & Support Hub and our diverse programs, or to explore how you can support our mission, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Contact Information:

Office: (403) 752-4585 | Cell: (403) 593-8960

Keylan Kado

Keylan Kado

Program Manager

I was born in Stettler Alberta and moved all around rural Alberta growing up. My family ended up in Raymond Alberta in 2000 and I have been here ever since. Throughout growing up I have been on and helped on many different farms with friends or summer jobs.

From 2012 to 2016 I attended the University of Lethbridge and received a bachelor’s degree in Nursing.

After graduating I came to work two seasons with The Farm Safety Centre as a nurse for the Sustainable Farm Families Program. Now in 2021, I have come back to fulfill the role of Program Manager for both the Safety Smarts Program and Sustainable Farm Families. I’m excited to take on this new role and to share my appreciation and experiences of a healthy and safe rural Alberta

Contact Info:

Office: (403) 752-4585  |  Cell: (403)-330-3967  |

Board of Directors

Sherri Wendorff – President

Sherri Wendorff – President

I was born and raised on a mixed farm and have raised my children and now grandchildren on a mixed farm ...
Kim Laycock – Vice President

Kim Laycock – Vice President

I was raised on the family farm located in the northwest corner of the County of Warner.  After living in Olds and ...
Kyle Steed – Treasurer

Kyle Steed – Treasurer

I am a third-year university student majoring in business and education. I own a plumbing company and my wife ...
Jim Bennett – Director

Jim Bennett – Director

Sergeant Jim Bennett is a dedicated officer who has served in various roles within the Community Policing Division ...
Jack Heggie – County of Warner Representative

Jack Heggie – County of Warner Representative

My name is Jack Heggie; my family and I have lived in Southern Alberta and have been involved in agriculture as a ...
Kate Kindt – Town of Raymond Representative

Kate Kindt – Town of Raymond Representative

My name is Kate Kindt.  As a born and bred Raymondite, and now a Town of Raymond Councillor, I am excited to work ...
David McKay – Director

David McKay – Director

I was born and raised on a mixed farming operation in northern Saskatchewan. I work in the oil and gas ...
Shawn Nelson – Director

Shawn Nelson – Director

I was born and raised on a mixed family farm in Stirling Alberta.  I am the youngest of 8 children. Nelson ...
Denver Wilde – Director

Denver Wilde – Director

I was born and raised on a mixed farming operation in Southern Alberta. Agriculture has always been an important ...
Clayton Witbeck – Director

Clayton Witbeck – Director

I was raised in Raymond since I was five years old.  I spent a lot of time on grandpas farm tossing hay bails, ...


Plain Lake Farming Company

Municipal District of Fairview

Fairlane Farming Co. Ltd.

Strome & District Agricultural Society

Delco Farming Co Ltd.

Suncrest Farming Co. Ltd.

Holt Colony Farming Co. Ltd.

Dixonville Life Agricultural society

Prairiehome Colony Farming Co. Ltd.

Willow Creek Farming Co. Ltd.

Cspring Farming Co. Ltd.

Big Bend Farming Co. Ltd.

GV Colony Farming Co. Ltd.

Genesee Agricultural Society

New York Farming Co. Ltd

Silver Sage Colony Farming Co. Ltd.

Farm Credit Canada

Leedale Farming Co Ltd.

Hutterian Brethren of Arrowwood

Carmangay Ag Society

Riverbend Colony Farms

River Road Farming Co. Ltd.

Delia & District Agricultural Society

Leduc County

HBCR Valley Farming Co. Ltd.

Lakeside Colony Farming Co.

Fairville Farming Co. Ltd.

Ewelme Farming Co. Ltd.

Cameron Farms Colony Ltd.

Raley Colony LTD.

Granum Charitable Trust

Alix Farming Co. Ltd.

Hutterian Brethren Church of Pine Haven

East Raymond Farming Co. Ltd.

Sunnybend Farming Co. Ltd.

Hutterian Brethren Church of Blue Ridge

Mayfield Colony of Etzikom

Winnifred Colony Farming Co. Ltd

Sunshine Colony Farming Co. Ltd.

Bluegrass Colony Farming Co. Ltd.

Midwest Agricultural Company Ltd.

Vauxhall Agricultural Society

Wild Rose Colony Farming Co. Ltd.

Springside Colony Farming Co. Ltd.

Brant Farming Co. Ltd.

Cattle Health Management

Lone Pine Agricultural Society

Division 3 Agricultural Society

Todd & Loni Snow

Irricana & District Agricultural Society

Wheatland County

Nelson Family Ranches

Buck Lake Agricultural Society

Roundhill & District Ag Society

Athabasca County

Gadsby Colony

Rosalind Agricultural Society

Castor & District Ag Society

Lac Ste. Anne County

Grassland Ag Society

Ashmont & District Agricultural Society

Barrhead Exhibition Association & Ag Society

Blackfalds District Ag Society

Spirit River & District Agricultural Society

Peace River Agricultural Society

Bruce Agricultural Society

Warner & District Agricultural Society

Cherry Canyon Ag Society

Plamondon & District Ag Society

Bentley & District Agricultural

Breton Agricultural Society

Clandonald Agricultural Society

Amisk Ag Society

Ranfurly & District Recreation & Ag Society

Calmar & District Ag Society

Town of Rimbey

County of Minburn

Foothills County

County of Vermilion River

MD of Spirit River

Lethbridge County

Rocky Mountain House Ag Society

Woodlands County

Clearwater County

Government of Canada – Community Services Recovery Fund

United Way Lethbridge & South Western Alberta

MD of Willow Creek

County of Paintearth

Municipal District of Bonnyville

Springside Colony Farming Co. Ltd.

Mountain View County

Lamont County

Town of Legal

Milo & District Ag Society

Beaver County

Yellowhead County

Smoky Lake County

Flagstaff County

Town of Nanton

Lac La Biche County

Municipal District of Lesser Slave River

Town of Bonnyville

Red Deer County

Municipal District of Taber

Town of Sexsmith

MD of Spirit River

County of Warner

Cypress County

Town of Olds

Brazeau County

Starland County

County of St. Paul

Town of Smoky Lake

Strathcona County

Town of Killam

Town of Athabasca

County of Wetaskiwin

M.D. of Smoky River

Town of Milk River

County of Forty Mile

Town of Cardston

M.D. of Acadia

County of Grande Prairie

County of Northern Lights

M.D. of Fairview

Standard Colony Farming Co. Ltd.

Town of Taber

Vulcan County

County of Newell

County of Two Hills

Parkland County

Svalley Farming Co. Ltd.

Camrose County

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