This workshop is brought to you in partnership with Winfield Ag. Society and the Farm Safety Centre. This workshop is meant for those living in and around the municipality of Winfield Alberta and all those that fall under the the Winfield Municipality, their partners/spouses and others that have been personally invited.
Research into the state of rural health has identified several health and well-being disadvantages faced by rural people which negatively impact their quality of life. The Sustainable Farm Families Rural Health Initiative aims to remedy many of these disadvantages by providing rural Albertans who participate in this program with 3 annual, in-depth physical & mental health assessments. In addition to these health assessments, participants are educated about each aspect of the assessment to ensure they fully understand each of their measurements and know how to better manage their health and well-being. Those who participate in this program are only asked to commit 1 hour of their time each year over the course of the 3-year program. The preventative approach used by the Sustainable Farm Families Rural Health Initiative takes seemingly healthy people living in rural communities and seeks to either uncover undiagnosed conditions or confirm their healthy status

Step 1: Select below either Single Health Assessment or Couples Health Assessment.
Step 2: Scroll to exact date on the calendar that is stated in the above title. Be mindful that the calendar defaults to current date and not the actual date of the workshop.
Step 3: Click on exact date for the workshop on the calendar to reveal available appointments reamaining.
Step 4: Select the time for your appointment next to the booking calendar.
Step 5: Fill out all personal information in the sections below the booking calendar.